Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
142821-142840 of all 180,689 gems.
142,8093,525bekkopen-jansicolorANSI color support for Java on Windows.
142,8093,525rails_admin_amoeba_dupOnly for the models you set as enabled, this plugin adds a member action that allows fo...
142,8093,525grid-proxyGrid proxy utils
142,8093,525multifilter_railsMultifilter matches an input to each column in table, letting the user filter the table...
142,8093,525uristLibrary for creating of scenarios of business logic
142,8263,524knife-convertknife plugin for converting roles and environment files to recipes
142,8263,524PredicateLiteralKit4RubyParse Cappuccino Literal predicated and sort descriptors to arel expressions
142,8263,524make_chrome_extensionthis gem make template of chrome extension
142,8263,524hajHighly-Advanced Jedis client for Ruby
142,8263,524basic-infoDescription of BasicInfo.
142,8263,524circlesGenerate circular graphs in SVG with animation
142,8263,524helpscout-mailbox-pathsSimple mixin for generating helpscout paths with params
142,8263,524vagrant-provisioner-tachyonA vagrant provisioner for tachyon
142,8263,524coreys_frontend_gemtesting gem
142,8263,524carb-typesCustom dry-types to ensure type safety
142,8263,524sprockets-commonjs-mindreframerAdds CommonJS support to Sprockets
142,8263,524whatToDoHelps you to get back in a project after some idle time or to contribute to a OpenSourc...
142,8263,524voteable_robert_octThe best voting gem ever.
142,8263,524duniversityJust a sample gem!