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142841-142860 of all 180,702 gems.
142,8243,527sqrlA ruby gem for the SQRL authentication system described by Steve Gibson of
142,8243,527transitional_loggerSingleton logger available in all Objects that can transition destinations.
142,8243,527omniauth-toshlOmniauth Strategy for
142,8243,527update_if_changedActiveRecord#update, but only when needed.
142,8243,527bekkopen-jansicolorANSI color support for Java on Windows.
142,8243,527llamaLlama will help you create scaffold project from git repo
142,8243,527uristLibrary for creating of scenarios of business logic
142,8243,527ixtlan-datamappercollection of utilities for datamapper: optimistic get, conditional get, use-utc timest...
142,8243,527dcrec1-autotest-notificationThis gem set the autotest (ZenTest) to send messages to software as Growl, LibNotify, a...
142,8503,526mkaThis is a test gem
142,8503,526basic-infoDescription of BasicInfo.
142,8503,526circlesGenerate circular graphs in SVG with animation
142,8503,526vagrant-provisioner-tachyonA vagrant provisioner for tachyon
142,8503,526carb-typesCustom dry-types to ensure type safety
142,8503,526mlhchA starting point of using gem
142,8503,526sprockets-commonjs-mindreframerAdds CommonJS support to Sprockets
142,8503,526doneyoYo you when time-consuming shell commands are done.
142,8503,526sidekiq-repeating-jobsSidekiq plugin that provides for singleton jobs that reschedule themselves after comple...
142,8503,526unzipperunzipper unzips to S3