Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
142761-142780 of all 180,530 gems.
142,7573,514Empact-campaign_monitorA simple wrapper class that provides basic access to the Campaign Monitor API
142,7573,514doneyoYo you when time-consuming shell commands are done.
142,7573,514google-apis-cloudbuild_v2This is the simple REST client for Cloud Build API V2. Simple REST clients are Ruby cli...
142,7573,514multilaterationSolves for the location of an unknown signal emitter by using the signal TDOA between m...
142,7573,514xcubeRails Development Library
142,7573,514make_chrome_extensionthis gem make template of chrome extension
142,7573,514ffi-rc4OpenSSL/RC4 through FFI
142,7573,514language_tool-jarsA gem bundling all jars necessary to run languagetool
142,7573,514pantoglotGiven a path to a file or directory, excluding `.git` and its contents, symlinks, and a...
142,7573,514restful_celluloidRESTful interface for celluloid actor framework
142,7573,514string-stats-dcAdds analysis method of word count and more
142,7573,514minimalistic_kaminari_paginateMinimalistic kaminari paginate replacement, much faster
142,7573,514chunky_plusplusDates of next 10 birthdays.
142,7573,514crushlovely-max_mindRuby library for interacting with the MaxMind GeoIP Web Services.
142,7573,514dwaite-cucumberExecutable Feature scenarios
142,7573,514ruboty-fakerruboty give me a name
142,7573,514daveyeu-daveyeu-nightcapLittle helpers for Capistrano
142,7573,514templator_chabzAn easy tool to generate your templates in just one command. Choose from different kind...
142,7793,513MDL-railsMaterial Design Lite Components in HTML/CSS/JS
142,7793,513coreys_frontend_gemtesting gem