Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
142801-142820 of all 180,702 gems.
142,8013,528rl_hiya_awcSimple greeting
142,8013,528voteable_davemy first gem - for abstracting voting
142,8013,528estackprofEstackprof is a wrapper to make it easier to use Stackprof in your rack application
142,8013,528dvyjones-slartibartfastA pluggable IRC bot.
142,8013,528acts_as_multilingualStore multilingual columns in JSON
142,8013,528vagrant-providerVagrant plugin for provider swapping
142,8013,528gym_findergym finder
142,8013,528yt_idSimple gem to extract Youtube id from various URL formats
142,8013,528taskdownParses Taskdown syntax
142,8013,528rack-request_cacheProvides a caching layer that exists only within a single Rack request.
142,8013,528integrativeIntegrative is a library for integrating external resources into ActiveRecord models.
142,8013,528knife-gourmetChef knife plugin to help checking the cookbooks versions on your Chef server against u...
142,8013,528darkreaper-will_paginateThe will_paginate library provides a simple, yet powerful and extensible API for Active...
142,8013,528quick_search-wikipedia_searcherProvides a Wikipedia searcher module for QuickSearch
142,8013,528wz_dddWrite a longer description or delete this line.
142,8013,528dirty_nested_attributesTracks nested association changes in ActiveRecord objects. Marks all changes in paren...
142,8013,528magica_voxelThe MagicaVoxel reader
142,8013,528vagrant-tmuxmeTmuxme the safe way
142,8013,528traxRails CMS/Blog
142,8013,528rl_hiya_abHiya world gem