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143061-143080 of all 180,681 gems.
143,0523,514gris-middleware-json_web_token_decoderSimple middleware for decoding JWT tokens in Gris apps.
143,0523,514genki-restful-authenticationThis widely-used plugin provides a foundation for securely managing user.
143,0523,514remrem lets you set up a development environment on your laptop that syncs files, and runs...
143,0523,514fund_listThis RubyGem contains a nice-n-easy funding projects simulation, called FundList. The ...
143,0523,514neomode_clientA Ruby implementation of Neomode Client API
143,0523,514webpacker-jetsUse webpack to manage app-like JavaScript modules in Jets
143,0523,514mp-weixinRack middleware for Weixin apps: message validation/parser/generator
143,0523,514fb-git_reflowGit Reflow manages your git workflow.
143,0523,514assets_router_railsassets router generator for rails. please read
143,0523,514sensei_eod_accounts_rubySensei trader accounts api gem
143,0523,514jewfishtiny static website generator
143,0523,514sort_collectionsTo sort a array that the element is `Hash`
143,0523,514yt-analyticsWrite a longer description. Optional.
143,0523,514yt-dataWrite a longer description. Optional.
143,0753,513securedWrap routes in a 'secured' block to only appear when on an SSL connection
143,0753,513dinosaur_catalog## Dinosaur Catalog It may not be immediately evident, but I am a huge fan of dinosaur...
143,0753,513purbachfaye pub/sub mesasging integration for rails.
143,0753,513redis_attrRuby model attributes backed by redis
143,0753,513ereborRuby orchestration framework for HashiCorp based deployment pipelines.