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143101-143120 of all 180,671 gems.
143,0933,512complimentsA tiny little gem that generates a random nice compliment for you.
143,0933,512pushpinAn object to indicate geographic position
143,0933,512sandmanSandman is a gem aimed at helping you manage your SSH keys between GitHub and Bitbucket
143,0933,512specstar-remarkableRemarkable ActiveRecord: collection of matchers and macros with I18n for ActiveRecord
143,0933,512utc_on_demandDisplay your machine's current time (in your timezone) and in UTC.
143,0933,512hiroak_2016_gemWrite a longer description or delete this line.
143,0933,512elight-rufus-rtmyet another RememberTheMilk wrapper
143,0933,512dinosaur_catalog## Dinosaur Catalog It may not be immediately evident, but I am a huge fan of dinosaur...
143,0933,512sys_lib_detectorSysLibDetector lists and installs all the gems' system libraries and native dependencies
143,0933,512jekyll-gdrivefolderJekyll Google Drive Easily Embed for Folder
143,1113,511djsun-mr-successEasily create RESTful actions with your Sinatra app and MongoMapper back-end.
143,1113,511mina-revisioneerpush deployment informations to revisioneer
143,1113,511fixosmSorts nodes, ways and relations into ascending order for libosmscout
143,1113,511myboxRuby gem for domain repository
143,1113,511vagrant_laravelPlugin to provide laravel commands for boxes
143,1113,511time-seriesThis library provides a basic data structure that can represent time series data. Requi...
143,1113,511namecheap-apia Gem for interacting with the Namecheap API
143,1113,511adjective-rpg-engineA gem to help streamline RPG development
143,1113,511namespacingAllows you to succintly define deeply nested modules.
143,1113,511dstrelau-delayed_jobDelated_job (or DJ) encapsulates the common pattern of asynchronously executing longer ...