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143121-143140 of all 180,661 gems.
143,1203,509sekisyoWhitelists can be defined in Yaml files.
143,1203,509siriusapi for
143,1203,509minimominimo is the server to mock a minimum of http response using the rack.
143,1203,509ruboty-through_ruboty_nameThrough ruboty name.
143,1203,509presentoA barebones presenter library for ActiveModels
143,1203,509riemann-tools.hafUtilities which submit events to Riemann. Release until Kyle's official is ready.
143,1203,509namecheap-apia Gem for interacting with the Namecheap API
143,1203,509supernovatesterNova Gem
143,1203,509encrypted-fieldEncrypt data using policies, designed with key rotation in mind
143,1203,509swayThis gem creates Hashie::Mash objects from YAML, JSON, CSV. Use various uses.
143,1203,509hola_lbuellA simple hello world gem
143,1203,509cultivated_rabbitUsed to more easily interact with rabbit mq.
143,1203,509eventhubEventhub provides a clean pattern for projects with a lot of event tracking / handling
143,1203,509geocoder2Provides object geocoding (by street or IP address), reverse geocoding (coordinates to ...
143,1203,509cat_captchaA simple image captcha gem
143,1203,509stringified_enumIt simplifies creation of enums which are supposed to have one-to-one mapping to their ...
143,1203,509mdbpwdfind access database file password
143,1203,509cinch-rssmonitorA simple rss monitor