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143081-143100 of all 180,681 gems.
143,0753,513matreskaMatreska is for building adaptable multi-filter, which is inspired by Rack.
143,0753,513url_attributeActiveModel field serializer for url fields
143,0753,513kipalogRuby wrapper for Kipalog API
143,0753,513femtoA tiny web framework
143,0753,513mobile_intentstart application via custom scheme
143,0753,513encrypted-fieldEncrypt data using policies, designed with key rotation in mind
143,0753,513omniauth-resourceguruOmniAuth strategy for ResourceGuru.
143,0753,513adjective-rpg-engineA gem to help streamline RPG development
143,0753,513marxbotA simple set of toys for use in discord
143,0753,513nealCampfire Bot
143,0753,513HelloByQuakerA simple hello world gem by Quaker1337
143,0753,513elight-rufus-rtmyet another RememberTheMilk wrapper
143,0753,513ruby-cellsyntRuby gem for interacting with the Cellsynt api
143,0753,513juxtaposeA visual regression tool for diffing screenshots
143,0753,513pptx_markdownPPTX <-> Markdown
143,0753,513playground-book-lintLints books for Swift Playgrounds on iOS
143,0753,513jasper-apiRequired dependency for Jasper (Video Management System).
143,0753,513robotsfindkittenIn this game, you are robots (#). Your job is to find kitten. This task is complicated ...
143,0753,513logstash-codec-avro-data-fileCodec for parsing avro data files
143,1003,512djsun-mr-successEasily create RESTful actions with your Sinatra app and MongoMapper back-end.