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Most downloads over all time
144381-144400 of all 180,643 gems.
144,3753,456gfranco-jeannyLib for obfuscation css class names
144,3753,456newebpay-railsIntegrate Rails with newebpay (藍新金流).
144,3753,456emonti-jdi_hookJdiHook is a ruby-scriptable Java debugger based on and around Sun's Java Debugging In...
144,3753,456playmvc这是一个用于在play framework下生成viewmodel controller views helpers的命令
144,3753,456jekyll-spatialA simple, spacious, minimalistic design topped off with a large cover image.
144,3753,456cucumber-helpersHelpers for step definitions in cucumber.
144,3753,456manigemAdds some commands to Ruby and makes some things easier to use
144,3753,456local-heremake locals here under win32
144,3753,456plain-tufte-themeMinimalistic Jekyll theme based on tufte.css.
144,3753,456sipo_mailerCommand-line aplikace na odesílání souborů jako příloh na email dle CSV adresáře.
144,3753,456datacenter-jekyllVu Quang Nguyen - Datacenter
144,3753,456fizx-fizx-robotsIt parses robots.txt files
144,3753,456GTof-ruby-do-notationHaskell-style monad do-notation for Ruby
144,3753,456leshua_payA gem to deal with leshua payment.
144,3753,456spinupA tool for quickly spinning up dev environments
144,3753,456clientusA client for the Tus protocol enabling file uploads
144,3753,456bonjourA simple gem just for fun.
144,3753,456fastlane-plugin-bitbucket_authGenerate a OAuth Token for Bitbucket API Access.