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144441-144460 of all 180,643 gems.
144,4403,454IniSearchA simple ini search gem
144,4403,454http_error_catsAs seen here
144,4403,454binding_dumperA gem for dumping a whole binding.
144,4403,454railgenRailgen is generate gem that provides a rails application
144,4403,454greatseth-rvideoInspect and transcode video and audio files.
144,4403,454giraffesoft-tempo_cliCLI for starting and stopping time using the Tempo time tracker.
144,4403,454set_of_rangesA subclass of Set that attempts to merge overlapping or adjacent Range values.
144,4403,454safely_backPrevents link_to :back from including any non URLs as a href
144,4403,454jbasdf-jbasdf-acts_as_solrThis plugin adds full text search capabilities and many other nifty features from Apach...
144,4403,454simple_calendar_julius_robert_oppenheimerSimpleCalendarJuliusRobertOppenheimer is craeted to help understand how the real Simple...
144,4403,454rdbms_samplerEver found yourself wanting a modest amount of fresh rows from a production database fo...
144,4403,454neat_bourbon_railsThe Waterfall standard UI.
144,4403,454guard-bloggerGuard plugin for updating Blogger templates using Capybara/Selenium Webdriver.
144,4403,454vagrant-catapultA complete DevOps Release Management solution featuring automated website deployment an...
144,4403,454rlh_test_gemA gem to explain how to make gems
144,4403,454dosivoxcrmodA CodeRunner module for running the luminescence dose modelling software DosiVox
144,4403,454jekyll-retrospectJust a cool, modern landing page to showcase whatever it is you're about.
144,4403,454yerbishYerbish enables embedding Ruby in YAML files, as well as composing a YAML file from oth...
144,4403,454smart_payRuby library for handling Barclaycard Smartpay requests and responses
144,4403,454ghoaRuby gem for simple GitHub authentication