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144421-144440 of all 180,643 gems.
144,4103,455value_protocolMakes all objects polymorphic with respect to the :call message, allowing to use any ob...
144,4103,455gibotNew generation tool to manage Heroku-like deployment on your host.
144,4103, offers true random numbers to anyone on the internet. The random number...
144,4103,455robut-wikipediaRobut plugin that provides Wikipedia querying functionality.
144,4103,455view_mailerEnables emailing arbitrary rendered views from your application
144,4103,455vagrant-dokosyncRuns /home/vagrant/unison on file system changes
144,4103,455routemasterProvides helper methods which to make linking models and actions to URLs simple
144,4103,455rspec-inline-snapshotInline snapshot expectations for RSpec
144,4103,455wildfireUses computer vision to cut objects from images.
144,4103,455filterfish-loggingLogging is a flexible logging library for use in Ruby programs based on the design of J...
144,4103,455json2HtmlGiven json templates this gem produces the html form or table with keys as lables/colum...
144,4103,455str_tajcallesLearning about how to publish a gem
144,4103,455rails_requestsTrack number of requests to your app
144,4103,455ruby-oisA ruby binding for OIS.
144,4103,455split_offA method to split off a part a hash
144,4103,455color_bannerColor Banner for pry
144,4103,455ruboty-slide_meruboty slide me.
144,4103,455harddisk_actaulsizeTo calculate the Actual harddisk
144,4103,455check_pathAdd some helpers that checks current path.
144,4403,454idolentLazy load your attributes for any class object