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144401-144420 of all 180,643 gems.
144,3753,456erkki-bitlyUse the API to shorten or expand URLs
144,3753,456pry-exercismunUnofficial commands useful while working with The commands range from test...
144,3753,456hectoregm-mysql-rubyThis is the MySQL API module for Ruby. It provides the same functions for Ruby programs...
144,3753,456jekyll-plugin-includeA Jekyll liquid tag plugin which allows includes directly from plugins' `_include` dire...
144,3753,456caesar_codeEasily implement a function to encipher or decipher a given message encrypted with eith...
144,3753,456sibilant-railsSibilant adapter for the Rails asset pipeline.
144,3753,456semistaticSimple embeded page creator. Should I be called CMS? Not sure.
144,3753,456voice_vaultWrapper around API
144,3753,456freelancing-god-fakeweb-matcherRSpec matcher for the FakeWeb library
144,4103,455ansi_paletteA gem for helping you color strings with ANSI escape codes.
144,4103,455my_rathoreA simple hello world gem
144,4103,455bsmntThe Basement Gem
144,4103,455jekyll-e-bookE-book generator for Jekyll
144,4103,455stockrollTo show real-time stock quotes.
144,4103,455md5checkThis is a digital certificates tool!
144,4103,455fermion-will_paginateThe will_paginate library provides a simple, yet powerful and extensible API for Active...
144,4103,455textpGive a string of text with a link and it will replace the link with the embeded HTML co...
144,4103,455sergio_torres_gemMi primera gema
144,4103,455backlog_bulkbacklog_bulk is a script to post the issues and comments the same content on multiple p...
144,4103,455reductionsReductions is an addition to Enumerable that returns an array containing all of the...