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145181-145200 of all 180,671 gems.
145,1783,427minifierMinifier utility to compress large files. Currently works solely on converting CSS to ....
145,1783,427newblogpostGenerates a new blog post in markdown.
145,1783,427gmail-apiRuby wrapper for Gmail API
145,1783,427tonepaliInternational Number Format to Nepali Number Format
145,1783,427faker_seedIt's as easy as: rails g fake posts -n 50
145,1783,427simple_relayA simple SMTP relay tool
145,1783,427vidyardThis gem contains a handful of methods for interacting with Vidyard API.
145,1783,427nx-watermarkWatermark use mini_magick.
145,1783,427moondemoA simple hello world gem
145,1783,427genki-numeric_iAdd a method Numeric#i
145,1783,427bucheMultiIO Logger for both log/*.log files and STDOUT.
145,1783,427boolean_conversionsAdds boolean conversions for String, Fixnum, TrueClass, FalseClass, and NilClass to con...
145,1783,427wapiExtracting Waves information easily.
145,1783,427feedractFeedract is Feed extract library
145,1783,427simple3d_meshA simple to use 3d mesh
145,1783,427local_path_builderUsefull helper to build all paths in one hash to local files and folders.
145,1783,427bloom_remit2Ruby wrapper for BloomRemit's API
145,1783,427spree_supplierThis gem provide ability to add suppliers and associate them to products.
145,1783,427befunge98[WIP] Probably the first Befunge-98 interpreter in Ruby
145,1783,427voteable_bnThe best voting gem ever.