Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
145201-145220 of all 180,671 gems.
145,1783,427git-rollbackEasily rollback last N commits.
145,1783,427kaltura-ruby-clientA gem implementation of Kaltura's Ruby Client.
145,2033,426wildfalcon-skating_systemImplemetation of the skating system.
145,2033,426ruby-life's_Game_of_Life, with faster sleep time
145,2033,426spray_ventA library that allows you to easily mixin spray_vent behavior on a variety of objects
145,2033,426roconvconvert string value to object of ruby
145,2033,426gotaskuA gem to download SGFs of go problems
145,2033,426multi_sortSort a array of hashes with one or multiple values
145,2033,426schema-normalizeEasy way to normalize attributes
145,2033,426metasA gem to create meta tags easy!
145,2033,426asposetasksjavaAsposeTasksJava is a Ruby gem that helps working with Microsoft Project documents using...
145,2033,426fillmoreFetches weather forecast.
145,2033,426garbleGarble replaces words with synonyms
145,2033,426fiveruns-dash-datamapperProvides an API to send metrics from applications using DataMapper to the FiveRuns Dash...
145,2033,426virtual_viewDescribe a view in code to back ActiveRecord models
145,2033,426twentytwenty_railsTwentyTwenty for rails
145,2033,426show_me_the_objectDisplays the Ruby object that raised an exception on the console
145,2033,426status_tag_forActiveAdmin component which shows predicate as status.
145,2033,426genki-rubRub is endless Ruby