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145221-145240 of all 180,671 gems.
145,2033,426migration-patternsZero downtime migration helpers for rails
145,2033,426eggdropEggdrop Gem
145,2033,426content_generatorframework for generating content from a chef resource
145,2033,426middleman-core-with-external-sources-watch-fixContains patch A static site generato...
145,2033,426id_number_latamSupported Countries: Chile, Uruguay, Ecuador
145,2033,426pcurlPretty print cURL responses in your terminal.
145,2033,426upside_down_serverAnything you serve with this server will be upside-down and backwards (mirrored). It wo...
145,2033,426jav_libraryJavLibrary client
145,2033,426retailigence_rubyRuby library for interactiing with Retailigence.
145,2033,426save_the_monthDsl to set expectations of the incomings and outcoming of this month's salary
145,2033,426amico-dbImport mysql db.
145,2033,426hola-smilingA simple hello world gem
145,2033,426krugerMoi krug api integration
145,2343,425opera-contactsParses the opera browser contacts file (ending in .adr) to a ruby data structure. This ...
145,2343,425RubyBtceSupports all API methods and currency pairs.
145,2343,425voicetextvoicetext API Ruby Client
145,2343,425start_activemerchantActive Merchant is a simple payment abstraction library used in and sponsored by Shopif...
145,2343,425procstarUtilizes to_proc for usage with & for other classes than Symbol
145,2343,425fizx-em-proxyEventMachine Proxy DSL
145,2343,425opener-social-media-classifierOpener Component for classifying Social Media.