Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
145241-145260 of all 180,671 gems.
145,2343,425hstore-dataAllow nested hashes for ActiveRecord's Hstore
145,2343,425harness-circuitboxForward Circuitbox's internal metrics to Harness.
145,2343,425smart_proxy_pulp_pluginBasic Pulp support for Foreman Smart-Proxy
145,2343,425structure_validatorValidates a hash against an expected structure.
145,2343,425miss-fooTesting gem
145,2343,425single_sign_on.If you want this gem, I will give it to you, but I beg you check my gem 'sso' https://...
145,2343,425web_analytics_discoveryWeb Analytics Discovery is a library and command line tool to quickly get valuable web ...
145,2343,425fruitfactsSentence generator that generates facts on fruit. Good if you want random sentences
145,2343,425jekyll_pigUses ImageMagick and pig.js to create progressive image galleries for Jekyll pages
145,2343,425vscinemasThe Taiwan VSCinema crawler to get latest film list.
145,2343,425giraffesoft-webby*Webby* is a fantastic little website management system. It would be called a *content ...
145,2343,425xHire-validates_as_emailRails gem/plugin that implements an ActiveRecord validation helper called validates_as_...
145,2343,425kindrid_clientClient gem for the Kindrid service
145,2343,425cashila-apiWrapper for Cashila API
145,2343,425rom-authProvides low-level authentication based on ROM. Provides several plugins in order to lo...
145,2343,425algaeDoing blue/green (and other) deploys in AWS
145,2343,425wycats-ufoA gem that provides a Ruby binding to the Java flying saucer library
145,2343,425objectify_paramsA gem to objectify parameters
145,2343,425nits_calcTrying to learn that how to make a gem.