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146461-146480 of all 180,518 gems.
146,4523,364mobleyThis is a custom theme built for
146,4523,364cocoro-mqttThis is a bridge exposing your Cocoro Air compatible devices on MQTT. Not affiliated wi...
146,4523,364railsclusterGem to ease deploying to RailsCluster
146,4523,364net_exploreUse command line or ruby code to open browser.
146,4523,364json-api-clientA client for working with json api spec based apis
146,4523,364hpeikemo-flexfarmflexFarm is a set of tools to charge and improve ActionScript development.
146,4523,364logophobia-logophobia-feedbagRuby's favorite feed auto-discoverty tool
146,4523,364is_js_railsImplementing is.js in your rails app. A Micro che...
146,4523,364jeremyWrite a longer description. Optional.
146,4523,364Ninju-streamsThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
146,4523,364omniauth-prestodoctorOmniAuth strategy for PrestoDoctor
146,4523,364sikuli-slidesSikuli Slides allows you to execute presentation slides to interact user interfaces.
146,4523,364spotify_http_remoteHTTP API for controlling Spotify OSX client
146,4523,364gluthman_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
146,4523,364arrangementAn easy way to follow the "Arrange, Act, Assert" pattern in your Ruby on Rails tests
146,4523,364elib_mgmt-cliThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
146,4523,364judy-activedirectoryActiveDirectory uses Net::LDAP to provide a means of accessing and modifying an Active ...
146,4523,364geocellData structure using GeoHash
146,4523,364torranceJack Torrance
146,4523,364text_uxText::Ux - More Succinct Trie Data structure (binding for ux-trie)