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146501-146520 of all 180,518 gems.
146,4833,363ingoweiss-resourceful_viewsResourcefulViews aims to take RESTful conventions beyond controllers and into views by ...
146,5023,362spreadsheet_stream_readerMemory efficient spreadsheet reader. It reads file in streaming fashion. Currently supp...
146,5023,362rubyserverReally the summary says it all...
146,5023,362lastobelus-vladVlad the Deployer is pragmatic application deployment automation, without mercy. Much l...
146,5023,362friendly_responsesFriendly error responses for RESTful Rails APIs.
146,5023,362sendshapes-clientSendShapes API Client
146,5023,362strict-read-onlyA strict replacement for attr_readonly in Rails.
146,5023,362berserker_knuckleheads_gameThis is an example application used in The Pragmatic Studio's Ruby Programming course,...
146,5023,362chefsearchSearch a Chef server via CLI or API given a role, name, or Chef environment
146,5023,362hound_list_syncSync Hound repositories with Github organization and Gitlab projects
146,5023,362jimiray-acts_as_commentablePolymorphic comments Rails plugin
146,5023,362attospecSmaller than small test runner
146,5023,362tdcliA CLI for Todoist
146,5023,362jdg-yajl-rubyRuby C bindings to the excellent Yajl JSON stream-based parser library.
146,5023,362valo-rcovrcov is a code coverage tool for Ruby. It is commonly used for viewing overall test uni...
146,5023,362jwhitmire-contactsSeamless importing of contact data from Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail, and Plaxo. OAuth suppor...
146,5023,362collagistAttractive tiling of images from a path name or array of filenames.
146,5023,362krasivotokak-russianRussian language support for Ruby and Rails
146,5023,362mysql_replica_finderGet replicas from mysql2 connection
146,5023,362jamescook-uuidUUID generator for producing universally unique identifiers based on RFC 4122 (http://w...