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Most downloads over all time
146481-146500 of all 180,518 gems.
146,4523,364log2layoutPulls Wiki URLs from Excel spreadsheet and automates image downloading.
146,4523,364matthewtodd-wordpress-releaseUpgrades a directory to Wordpress 2.7.
146,4833,363rybellionA tester-friendly web automated testing framework.
146,4833,363session_gemSessionGem for knowledge sessions.
146,4833,363storailStòrail means "storage" in Irish
146,4833,363number_to_zh_cn数字,浮点数,金额转换 中文大写字体.
146,4833,363here_serverRun a Web-Server for the current directory instantly
146,4833,363voteable_koenThis gem contains the voteable module from the PostIt! application.
146,4833,363soursdeyA simple hello gem
146,4833,363tubestatusProvides London Tube updates in your Terminal
146,4833,363math_seriesA simple ruby gem to generate different types of math series like Odd, Even, Fibonacci ...
146,4833,363dsfuA gem to make EFI's digital storefront more bearable.
146,4833,363jamtur01-facterFacter -- a cross-platform Ruby library for retrieving facts from operating systems.
146,4833,363useful_matchersA set of useful matchers for RSpec
146,4833,363hola_mtatlaTest Gem.
146,4833,363phonetic_alphabetExtends ruby String class with to_p method which converst strings to their phonetic alp...
146,4833,363unicorn_statusMonitoring for unicorn status
146,4833,363grosser-gettext_test_logLogs all gettext translations during test execution, to a GetText readable format
146,4833,363rspec-json_helpersRSpec helpers for working with JSON values.
146,4833,363geocoder-kbProvides object geocoding (by street or IP address), reverse geocoding (coordinates to ...