Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
146601-146620 of all 180,518 gems.
146,5843,359webpacker_config_showerOutput webpack.config.js in webpacker gem to STDOT
146,5843,359pgm_knuckThis game will eat your heart out and make you want to play it again and again. With li...
146,5843,359guard-predictionioGuard::PredictionIO automatically runs your PredictionIO server
146,5843,359visfleet-hysteresis_filtersA collection of simple decision filters which have the Hysteresis property
146,5843,359rorschachAn opiniated PSD analyzer for front-end web development built on top of PSD.rb.
146,5843,359greut-oauthOAuth Core Ruby implementation
146,5843,359nodusEXPERIMENTAL. A form of data-flow programming based loosely on Kahn Process Networks. W...
146,5843,359autoindexThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
146,5843,359John-bucket_headGem to hit URI's and stick their contents on S3
146,5843,359r5_geminaboxA sinatra based gem hosting app, with client side gem push style functionality.
146,5843,359str_hlpr_lindsayUseless string helpers
146,5843,359rabbit-slide-kou-groonga-document-read-22回目の「Groongaドキュメント読書会」は、前回の「Groongaドキュメント読書 会」でのフィードバックを反映して進めます。進め方は前回と同様に輪読会式 を使います。
146,6133,358Lane-Reporter≈≈≈ Lane is a real-life reporter for JSS. ≈≈≈
146,6133,358viberatorDumps Viber chat logs into pretty-formatted HTML
146,6133,358harry_potter_fakerEnjoy your lorum ipsum more with harry potter theamed data
146,6133,358ruby_prof_helperjust some lines of frequently used ruby prof boilerplate
146,6133,358newrelic-daybreakA simple redis backed cache for Sinatra
146,6133,358hsume2-rumblrMakes a tumblr tumblelog act like an ActiveResource.
146,6133,358voteable_sarahSarah's voting gem
146,6133,358mv_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector