Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
146561-146580 of all 180,518 gems.
146,5613,360vertiginous-githubThe official `github` command line helper for simplifying your GitHub experience.
146,5613,360yeastymobs-integrity-appnotificationsEasily let Integrity push a notification after each build
146,5613,360skype_checkTool for checking skype username availability
146,5613,360omniauth-hellosignHelloSign OAuth 2.0 strategy for OmniAuth.
146,5613,360jbr-enumerable-proxyEnumerable::Proxy is a pattern for simple block-free ruby enumeration
146,5613,360tmpfkTemporary foreign key add/drop tool for using ER generator for "Keyless entry (SQL Anti...
146,5613,360discoverydocGenerates Markdown documentation from YAML discovery file.
146,5613,360get_geoGetGeo For workshop OOP
146,5613,360hassox-pancakeEat Pancake Stacks for Breakfast
146,5613,360JimNeath-fudge-formFudge Form is a way of building easier, semantically correct forms using a custom form ...
146,5613,360cave_genA little gem to create a random caves. For your games (roguelikes or similar) or just f...
146,5613,360laszpio-googlechartsSexy Charts using Google API & Ruby
146,5613,360karnowski-ruby-warriorGame written in Ruby for learning Ruby and artificial intelligence.
146,5613,360cassandra-ormJust a simple orm library for Cassandra, based on cassandra-driver, support i18n & ...
146,5613,360t1greet from dingman
146,5613,360sebIt extracts data from exported .xlsx file of SEB bank statements and generates a financ...
146,5613,360random_string_generatorThis gem is a great way to generate random strings in Ruby
146,5613,360deliverancerake for code repositories
146,5613,360query_filtersParse filters (or something else) from pretty human readable query string to hash
146,5613,360jfreeze-ruby-gdsiiGDSII reader and writer with both high-level (easier to use) and low-level (faster perf...