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146641-146660 of all 180,507 gems.
146,6403,356promoCreate coupons and promocodes
146,6403,356iloveyouMust be that I'm in love..
146,6403,356mongoid-enum-lognHeavily inspired by DDH's ActiveRecord::Enum, this little library is there to help you ...
146,6403,356hernan43-isaacSmall DSL for writing IRC bots.
146,6403,356specinfra-backend-saltSpecinfra backend for SaltStack
146,6403,356capistrano-monstartcapistrano plugin which converts foreman procfile to monit and upstart
146,6403,356carray-narrayCArray interface to NArray (not Numo)
146,6403,356kashManage your finances.
146,6403,356did_paginatedid_paginate provides Rails view helper to build pagination component. This helper assu...
146,6403,356inspec-reporter-honeycombInSpec Reporter plugin to report Otel formatted traces to Honeycomb.
146,6403,356sanger-sequencescape-facadeA thin wrapper to rest-client providing an interface between assets and other sequences...
146,6403,356active_record_jsonb_with_indifferent_accessDeserializes jsonb columns in an ActiveRecord model with indifferent access
146,6403,356nft_checkerUtility to verify ownership of an NFT
146,6403,356rdwGet Dutch car information from the RDW
146,6403,356radiant-mailer_confirmation-extensionAllows you to set up a second email to the form submitter that differs from the email s...
146,6403,356technomancy-dnssdDNS Service Discovery (aka Rendezvous) API for Ruby
146,6403,356skel_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
146,6403,356yc_ageWrite a longer description. Optional.
146,6403,356shibeWow Shibe, Such Doge, very Cuba