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Most downloads over all time
147341-147360 of all 180,702 gems.
147,3183,348jnewland-bigdecimal-segfault-fixPrevents users from exploiting the BigDecimal bugs and causing your application to segf...
147,3183,348poltergeist-cjPoltergeist is a driver for Capybara that allows you to run your tests on a headless We...
147,3183,348capistrano3-asg-deployGet all instances in an AutoScaling group by AutoScaling group name.
147,3183, search API
147,3453,347evertMakes notes using your favorite text editor instead of Evernote's.
147,3453,347insta_swagInstaSwag provides lighting-fast, dynamically generated [swagger-documentation](https:/...
147,3453,347tenderlove-meowSend Growl notifications via Ruby.
147,3453,347facebook-bot-rubyFacebook Bot Ruby API wrapper
147,3453,347julik-edlWork with EDL files from Ruby
147,3453,347vkponchikAPI client for VK Ponchik (Keksik) donations service.
147,3453,347lstoll-bumbleWrapper for google app engine's data store
147,3453,347spree_active_model_serializerSpree API with Active Model Serializer
147,3453,347vandrijevik-has_phone_numberHasPhoneNumber makes validations for US phone numbers in ActiveRecord models easy.
147,3453,347abc_sizeCalculate ABC size, divided into methods defined in a single file.
147,3453,347umang-gruffBeautiful graphs for one or multiple datasets. Can be used on websites or in documents.
147,3453,347jeffperrin-paperclipSimple model creation for rails
147,3453,347ThorExtendDynamically extend options on a Thor::Command
147,3453,347arsenicoriginally forked from Palkan.
147,3453,347remixr-prashanthwrapper for the BestBuy Remix api
147,3453,347ppmtogdlPpmToGdl generates GDL PPM definitions from a PrimaryParameters.xml file.