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Most downloads over all time
147321-147340 of all 180,702 gems.
147,3183,348seedfileCreate ActiveRecord objects using a CSV file
147,3183,348fog-emailThis gem aims to abstract usage of popular email service providers ...
147,3183,348neural_networksNeuronal Networks algoritms
147,3183,348ec2-security-czarManages your EC2 security groups using YAML config files.
147,3183,348kevins_propietary_brainI will not reveal my very secret algorithim
147,3183,348jslade-gruffBeautiful graphs for one or multiple datasets. Can be used on websites or in documents.
147,3183,348sluggable_mbzGenerates slugs from "sluggable_column" taking out any offensive characters. Really use...
147,3183,348ngbgolang package 依赖控制
147,3183,348spacemanWrite a longer description. Optional.
147,3183,348hammer_cli_foreman_rh_cloudForeman Rh Cloud plugin for Hammer CLI
147,3183,348mc_duckUploads command outputs to s3.
147,3183,348rds_db_backupThis gem allows to create DB backups in a way that does not block the production RDS in...
147,3183,348mustermann-visualizerProvides syntax highlighting and other visualizations for Mustermman
147,3183,348octopress-categoriesCategory pages for Octopress and Jekyll pages.
147,3183,348grempe-merb_blueprint_sassMerb plugin that provides the SASS version of the BluePrint CSS framework with Merb ext...
147,3183,348taf2-rjqueueA Job Queue Server. Responses to UDP requests.
147,3183,348treasure_hunter# TreasureHunter Better than Log!
147,3183,348sinapseAn EventSource push service for Ruby
147,3183,348amazon-mws-plusA Ruby Wrapper for the Amazon MWS API
147,3183,348elevatorWrite a longer description. Optional.