Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
148861-148880 of all 180,872 gems.
148,8473,317mini_decoratorMinimal decoration of Ruby objects using a "decorate" method.
148,8473,317amazeballsfailshell's custom amazing library'
148,8473,317tinkerTinker is a prototype for realtime games
148,8473,317mathfJust when you thought you could ruin someones day by requiring mathn. Try mathf and put...
148,8473,317rujureCall your Clojure using JRuby
148,8473,317twilson63-sinatra-squirrelPort of Thought Bot Squirrel to Sinatra
148,8473,317ruboty-ip_resolvResolve IP Address to Hostname
148,8473,317mynyml-unindentRuby method to unindent strings. Useful for multiline strings embeded in already indent...
148,8473,317openssl-pkey-ec-iesIES implementation following ECIES-KEM specification in ISO 18033-2
148,8473,317fastlane-plugin-ios_readme_generateCreate readme for ios projects
148,8473,317hash_as_hidden_fieldsExtracted hash helper code from KipuRecords.
148,8473,317prerequisitesSimplify checking pre-requisites (env. vars. & executables) for ruby scripts
148,8473,317ninjudd-unicode_collationAdd unicode collation key from ICU library to String.Add unicode collation key from ICU...
148,8473,317rogerdpack-RubyInlinefork of RubyInline that is mingw friendlier
148,8473,317em-mqtt-snThis gem adds MQTT-SN protocol and gateway support to EventMachine.
148,8473,317jferris-rrRR (Double Ruby) is a double framework that features a rich selection of double techniq...
148,8473,317mustermann-strscanImplements a version of Ruby's StringScanner that works with Mustermann patterns
148,8473,317liam-string_extendstring_extend adds useful features to the String class
148,8473,317maxim-hamlifyHTML to HAML conversion tool which wraps around standard html2haml and fixes issues wit...