Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
149561-149580 of all 180,702 gems.
149,5383,278jeremyf-liquidA secure non evaling end user template engine with aesthetic markup.
149,5383,278cuimia-minimal-themeCuimia minimal is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages
149,5383,278holahoraA simple hello world gem
149,5383,278pivotal-nested_scenariosFixtureScenarios, FixtureScenariosBuilder, Yaml and Ruby in one big mix for Rails
149,5383,278pure_promisePromises/A+ with a twist. Resolves some of the inconsistencies and annoyances I've expe...
149,5383,278moro-piki_docextended HikiDoc to able to plug plugins.
149,5383,278nofxx-activesmsActive SMS is a framework for sending and receiving SMS messages
149,5383,278parse_cronParses cron expressions and calculates the next occurence
149,5383,278teejayvanslyke-google-blog-pinging-serviceInterface to the Google Blog Search Pinging Service API in Ruby
149,5703,277hexx-apiFeatures to provide public API for the gem
149,5703,277slgGet words' definitions from Slengo on the command-line.
149,5703,277mattknox-jewelerSimple and opinionated helper for creating Rubygem projects on GitHub
149,5703,277jenfigSimple CLI Gem for Jenkins provisioning
149,5703,277voteable_jason_janThe best voting gem EVER!
149,5703,277instamojoComing Soon! This gem is in development - Dont use it, Instamojo API integration
149,5703,277rubylibre-feedbagRuby's favorite feed auto-discoverty tool
149,5703,277nickshowsA gem that show in your comand line a string using Nick style.
149,5703,277jwt_toolkitJWT is a super-cool spec. Unfortunately, most libs focus on implementing it and not def...
149,5703,277ntalbott-rufus-tokyoruby-ffi based lib to access Tokyo Cabinet and Tyrant
149,5703,277Porky-porky_string_extendporky_string_extend adds useful features to the String class