Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
149541-149560 of all 180,689 gems.
149,5153,276teejayvanslyke-google-blog-pinging-serviceInterface to the Google Blog Search Pinging Service API in Ruby
149,5153,276rake_i_taskThis gem provided a rake taks named 'i' making rake interactive: usage: add the foll...
149,5433,275narwhalNarwhal is a worker server designed to take advantage of features in *nix kernels, insp...
149,5433,275playlist-activerecord4-redshift-adapterAmazon Redshift _makeshift_ adapter for ActiveRecord 4.
149,5433,275platteA static generator tool for static HTML pages combined from modules.
149,5433,275agecalciWrite a longer description or delete this line.
149,5433,275postgresableThis gem adds support for postgres specific features
149,5433,275fastlane-plugin-rescan_flaky_testsRe-run `scan` action for each failed test cases.
149,5433,275hawksFunctionality built on top of AWS Ruby SDK
149,5433,275stakeholder_management_strategyImplements the power/interest grid as laid out within the BCS ISEB International Diplom...
149,5433,275positive_string_supportThis gem provides useful methods for String class (built-in class of Ruby).
149,5433,275retoo-ruby_gettext_extractorAlternative and more powerful gettext parser for ruby files. It covers some special cas...
149,5433,275timmatheson-asset_autoinclude_helperAutomatically includes javascript and css files named after the current controller
149,5433,275peleteiro-gemssudo gem install peleteiro-gems
149,5433,275stouset-threadpoolParallelized, threaded enumeration, in Ruby
149,5433,275pluggable_litePluggableLite is a module to help you to create pluggable architecture. it's easy to us...
149,5433,275nmap_auto_analyzerThis is a gem which is used to analyze output from the nmap port scanner (http://www.nm...
149,5433,275aor_bootstrapBootstrap CSS.
149,5433,275uiboxDescription of Uibox.
149,5433,275davidaryThis is my first ruby gem by David