Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
149481-149500 of all 180,530 gems.
149,4713,265pallan-sunspotLibrary for expressive, powerful interaction with the Solr search engine
149,4713,265validates_not_shoutingTo prevent noobs from being uber noobs
149,4713,265k_starterCreate starter applications for Rails, Ruby, and various javascript frameworks.
149,4713,265rgrove-synchrotronSynchrotron monitors a local directory tree and performs nearly instantaneous one-way s...
149,4713,265calltouch_clientCalltouch API client
149,4713,265narwhalNarwhal is a worker server designed to take advantage of features in *nix kernels, insp...
149,4713,265safe_yaml-storeStore YAML safely
149,4713,265sidekiq-activerecord-shardA Sidekiq middleware for supports ActiveRecord Shard.
149,4713,265elasticsearch-shieldRuby Integrations for Elasticsearch Shield plugin (WIP)
149,4713,265tumasmsRuby on Rails Wrapper for Tumasms gateway
149,4713,265retoo-ruby_gettext_extractorAlternative and more powerful gettext parser for ruby files. It covers some special cas...
149,4713,265binnacle_arAdds ActiveRecord callbacks for create, update and delete that will signal Binnacle w...
149,4713,265davidaryThis is my first ruby gem by David
149,4713,265radar-resource_controllerRails RESTful controller abstraction plugin.
149,4713,265mlightner-braidA simple tool for tracking vendor branches in git.
149,4713,265rubiojr-pangeaXen-API Ruby Implementation
149,4713,265indieauth-token-verificationPerform the access token verification portion of the IndieAuth process by communication...
149,4713,265nickshowsA gem that show in your comand line a string using Nick style.
149,4713,265media_playerCommand line media player.
149,5003,264ntalbott-rufus-tokyoruby-ffi based lib to access Tokyo Cabinet and Tyrant