Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
149501-149520 of all 180,689 gems.
149,4823,277view_component-liveLiveupdate from ActiveModel models to view components
149,4823,277rockdog-passengerPassenger is an Apache module for Ruby on Rails support.
149,4823,277nojiko这是一个基础的 Compass 扩展库,可以帮助你快速开始创建一个网站。它会为你提供一组混入类,一个 reset,一套基础全局样式,以及一套栅格系统。
149,4823,277smtlaissezfaire-active_record_parameter_parserParse rails formatted date & time params, such as 'birthday(1i)'. Code extracted f...
149,4823,277sant0sk1-prawn-fast-pngAn extension of Prawn that improves the performance when embedding PNG images containin...
149,4823,277rubbish_codeА gem that allows you to get pass for patterns
149,4823,277middleman-frontkitA static site generator. Provides dozens of templating languages (Haml, Sass, Compass, ...
149,4823,277talentrocketPlaceholder gem for recruitment app
149,4823,277scheman-railsRails plugin for Scheman.
149,4823,277cuimia-minimal-themeCuimia minimal is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages
149,4823,277holahoraA simple hello world gem
149,4823,277pure_promisePromises/A+ with a twist. Resolves some of the inconsistencies and annoyances I've expe...
149,4823,277nofxx-activesmsActive SMS is a framework for sending and receiving SMS messages
149,4823,277parse_cronParses cron expressions and calculates the next occurence
149,5153,276stormyStill Minimal
149,5153,276slgGet words' definitions from Slengo on the command-line.
149,5153,276mattknox-jewelerSimple and opinionated helper for creating Rubygem projects on GitHub
149,5153,276voteable_jason_janThe best voting gem EVER!
149,5153,276instamojoComing Soon! This gem is in development - Dont use it, Instamojo API integration
149,5153,276mirroring_testCall a same method for multiple receivers