Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
150121-150140 of all 180,488 gems.
150,1173,237embulk-encoder-xzCompress files using XZ (also know as LZMA)
150,1173,237vagrant-localrsyncdebUses a local rsync.deb file instead of apt-get to install rsync on Debian
150,1173,237unicorn-configurator_from_envSet configration from ENV
150,1173,237openproject-ensure_project_hierarchyThis plugin ensures subproject identifiers are prefixes with their parent project's ide...
150,1173,237nooootdefine not(alias !)
150,1173,237counterstringA simple library and binary for generating counterstrings.
150,1173,237intimalWrite a longer description. Optional.
150,1173,237skaes-mysqlMySQL/Ruby provides the same functions for Ruby programs that the MySQL C API provides ...
150,1173,237nirvdrum-lessLESS is leaner CSS
150,1173,237sumo-uyHandles communication to a sumo server, and provides a starting point for implementing ...
150,1173,237pomelo-citrus-protocolpomelo-citrus-protocol is a simple clone of pomelo-protocol, this gem is empty now and ...
150,1173,237edgycircle_kommandoCommand architecture building blocks.
150,1173,237contact_sysRuby client library for the Contact Payment System API
150,1173,237putenvCommand line tool to automate the provision and bootstrap of virtual machine applicatio...
150,1173,237jekyll-version-helperA set of monkey-patching plugins to help Jekyll when building versioned sites
150,1173,237mcpartyA simple api wrapper for MailChimp using HTTParty
150,1173,237can_palindromeTakes a string as input, and ouputs true if that string is a permutation (anagram) of a...
150,1173,237scottmotte-merb-exceptionsEmail and web hook exceptions for Merb.
150,1173,237rails_autobotsRails engine to load Javascript apps deployed by grunt-autobots