Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
150481-150500 of all 180,702 gems.
150,4643,242vigilem-x11-statStat(us) for whether or not X11 is available
150,4643,242pelargir-spreadMakes it easy to add tell-a-friend functionality to any Rails app.
150,4643,242pjhyett-godGod is an easy to configure, easy to extend monitoring framework written in Ruby.
150,4643,242mlangenberg-merb_xmppA plugin for the Merb framework that allows you to send XMPP/Jabber notifications from ...
150,4643,242quirkey-purseA simple but secure password storage solution using git and crypt
150,4643,242prpr-review_requestPrpr plugin to notify when a pull request review is requested, or when a review request...
150,4643,242pushpop-fileA Pushpop plugin for reading file contents
150,4643,242openresponsiveResponsive Email templates and Responsive UI Temapltes for Rails Applications
150,4643,242omniauth-shoploOmniAuth strategy for Shoplo
150,4643,242string_searchsimple search function for user supplied strings. more concise search result printout i...
150,4643,242fkw_gemA simple hello world gem
150,4933,241shrimp-orangejuliushtml to pdf with phantomjs
150,4933,241ms_paraphraseProvides a connectivity wrapper around the microsoft Paraphrase API. Token management a...
150,4933,241permpressStandardizes execution of various linters.
150,4933,241mirage-on-thinMirage aids testing of your applications by hosting mock responses so that your applica...
150,4933,241parallelQueueExtension 'parallel': Interface for pushung blocks
150,4933,241strings-numeralExpress numbers as word numerals like cardinal, ordinal, roman and monetary
150,4933,241race_partner_registrationsDownload registration list from a Race Partner event.
150,4933,241yholaA Simple hello world!