Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
150561-150580 of all 180,534 gems.
150,5443,224sickill-merb-recaptchaMerb plugin that provides helpers for service
150,5443,224voteable_kelvinKeep track of any model with votes. Create a vote_count column, and include Voteable.
150,5443,224toggl_clientToggl ruby client
150,5443,224hotmake more requests for test.
150,5663,223primecontext-rubyRuby gem fot Primecontext CRM Api
150,5663,223marshal_dump_and_loadThis gem provides short-cut method for deep-copy.
150,5663,223robodogFredwina the Farmer's robotic sheep dog simulator, used for the shock and awe showcase.
150,5663,223eye-bugsnagEye to BugSnag notification
150,5663,223simaticRuby library for Siemens Simatic S7-300 PLC data exchange.
150,5663,223standardhub-themeJekyll for standardhub
150,5663,223masterdlymindMatch your wits against the computer in this Ruby implementation of the pattern-guessin...
150,5663,223sickill-rack-revision-infoRack middleware showing current git (or svn) revision number of application
150,5663,223oh_delegatorUse delegators just like concerns
150,5663,223voteable_vks3For Tealeaf.
150,5663,223praetorianPraetorian makes duplicating user management features a breeze for any rails applicatio...
150,5663,223vitaliyA simple hello world gem
150,5663,223sevenwire-configatronConfigatron was developed by: markbates
150,5663,223tmoia_palindromepalidrome done in learn enough to be doangerous