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150541-150560 of all 180,702 gems.
150,5113,240christine_studio_gameThis is an example application used in The Pragmatic Studio's Ruby Programming course,...
150,5113,240narwhaleNarwhale is a worker server designed to take advantage of features in *nix kernels, ins...
150,5113,240segfault-larchLarch syncs messages from one IMAP server to another. Awesomely.
150,5443,239dep1Example dependency gem for Thotcon 0x6
150,5443,239templerWill take a Tumblr template and some data and generate the according HTML
150,5443,239url_2_eventA ruby gem for getting metadata from event URLs
150,5443,239gemgentorails based magento bridge for ecommerce
150,5443,239tmoia_palindromepalidrome done in learn enough to be doangerous
150,5443,239standardhub-themeJekyll for standardhub
150,5443,239kirtanp8_video_palindromeLearn Enough
150,5443,239separationRender separate views depending on the user device type for Rails.
150,5443,239oo-licenceSimple Activity Based Authorization
150,5443,239qrush-clearanceRails authentication with email & password.
150,5443,239responsive_imageA helper for creating the picture element in Ruby
150,5443,239reservableAllows any active record model object (such as a room) be reserved (daily) by any other...
150,5443,239simonmenke-diamondsDiamonds are beautiful gems
150,5443,239calc-gfernan6An calculator implementation on ruby
150,5443,239pwim-docomo_cssInlines CSS so that you can use external CSS with docomo handsets.
150,5443,239jmonkeyengine-testdataAdd jMonkeyEngine test data like the ninja, oto, some sounds and backgrounds
150,5443,239accelerationAcceleration provides a succinct, ActiveResource-style interface to a the IBM Watson Ex...