Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
150501-150520 of all 180,702 gems.
150,4933,241latex2imageGenerate PNG images from Latex formules on your ruby projects
150,4933,241simonmenke-mr_seedWrapper for seed fu
150,4933,241rails-froutesThis gem fills route name displayed by `rake routes` task.
150,4933,241hello_friendA simple hello world gem
150,4933,241fcardona-rubycalcAn implementation of a basic calculator on ruby
150,4933,241japanese_char_realThis is to eliminate thenly some garbledccur by using the ujis database with UTF-8 appl...
150,4933,241scambra-image_scienceImageScience is a clean and happy Ruby library that generates thumbnails -- and kicks t...
150,4933,241serialkillerWrite expectations for network devices to interact with their serial consoles
150,4933,241herokerhprod config; hpp config; manyprod config
150,5113,240rabbit-slide-komainu8-july-tech-festa-2021-winterPostgreSQLで日本語の全文検索をするには、LIKE演算子を使って実現できますが、インデックスを使用しないため、データ量が多い場合には低速です。 英文については、インデ...
150,5113,240lemonga.rbjust a harmless prank... for laughs
150,5113,240vigilem-x11X11 bindings for Vigilem, currently used internally only
150,5113,240romanvbabenko-rhighlightjsJavascript syntax highlighter by Ivan Salagaev
150,5113,240wrappagePage objects for RSpec
150,5113,240renseiUnparse from `RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree::Node` to Ruby code.
150,5113,240sc_coreThis gem supports multi-tenancy users RoR skeleton app.
150,5113,240precision-twitter_oauthtwitter_oauth is a Ruby library for talking to twitter using the new oauth method.
150,5113,240schleyfox-wikipedia-apiWikipedia-API is a ruby wrapper for the MediaWiki API