Total Downloads Ranking

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150601-150620 of all 180,534 gems.
150,5923,222dollarrintegers to cents wrappers for Mongoid and ActiveRecord
150,5923,222markdown-servicemarkdown-service gem - markdown HTTP JSON API service
150,5923,222regularfry-celerityCelerity is a JRuby wrapper around HtmlUnit – a headless Java browser with JavaScript...
150,5923,222time_pricingA gem to calcualte pricing for a time based service, bookings or appointments.
150,5923,222jekyll-harmony-themeJekyll harmony theme --
150,5923,222bookishJqueryTables y helper para proporcionar las respuestas mediante serializacion
150,5923,222assemblage-webThis gem adds web services to an Assemblage continuous integration server. It's still ...
150,5923,222make_todogem para usar en proyecto de sinatra
150,5923,222peterhoeg-condition_builderThis gem assists in creating conditions and criteria for use in ActiveRecord .find stat...
150,5923,222hidden_mac_filesShow/hide files on Mac very easily.
150,5923,222wx_opendataThis is a gem for weapp open data API.小程序开放数据API
150,6133,221abstract_builderAbstractBuilder gives you a simple DSL for declaring structures that beats manipulating...
150,6133,221simonmenke-simonmenke-globalize2The second incarnation of Globalize for Rails
150,6133,221rdf-yoda_triplesObject Subject Predicate, mmgh?
150,6133,221rake-templatesA small wrapper around tilt to provide templating.
150,6133,221yooleroobeeAn API and command line tool for querying Project Euler and creating folders and tests ...
150,6133,221rehaiRehai - a chef tool which reloads ohai information without a full chef run!
150,6133,221easy_crudEasy CRUD Description
150,6133,221omniauth-ibmisamAn omniauth strategy to be used with IBM ISAM.