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151081-151100 of all 180,554 gems.
151,0803,205restonomicWrite a longer description. Optional.
151,0803,205marginConverts margin-formatted text into Ruby data (or the inverse), and can also import and...
151,0803,205preinitializerConfig preinitializer
151,0803,205embulk-filter-mysql_lookupMysql Lookup filter
151,0803,205kinetic_energyCalculate power based on TCX files for Kurt Kinetic trainers.
151,0803,205ncmb_rb_wrapperAPI wrapper for NIFTY Cloud mobile backend
151,0803,205vienna-pouchdbvienna-pouchdb-adapter bridges Vienna and PouchDB using opal-pouchdb
151,0803,205voteable_ricThis is a voteable gem for testing. Use it under your responsability
151,0803,205msidp-endpointSimple class library for Microsoft Identity Platform endpoints.
151,0803,205pcaprub_helperHelper methods for pcaprub making life easy.
151,0803,205socardLook the Users Social Cards eg: Twitter Facebook
151,0803,205azure_application_insightsThis project extends the Application Insights API surface to support Ruby.
151,0803,205pincodeGem to get details from pincode
151,0803,205ProMotion-amapAdds PM::MapScreen support to ProMotion. Using AMap
151,0803,205memory-stats-js-railsminimal monitor for JS Heap Size via performance.memory
151,0803,205robhurring-gspotGoogle AJAX search implemented in ruby
151,0983,204smtlaissezfaire-sporkA forking Drb spec server
151,0983,204wood-stoveFork of stove gem
151,0983,204preprocessor-aasmaaAASM is a continuation of the acts as state machine rails plugin, built for plain Ruby ...