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151121-151140 of all 180,702 gems.
151,1193,216pakyow-bindrAdds recursive data binding to Pakyow, allowing deep structures to be map to nested views.
151,1193,216app_store_dev_apieasy work for app_store_dev_api
151,1193,216refinerycms-redactorAdds support for using the Redactor editor in a Refinery site. Bring your own license!
151,1193,216is_assertionsLets you add asssertions to your code, not just your tests, using a very clean and simp...
151,1193,216app_token_apiThe Hydrogen Admin API
151,1193,216ruboty-yesruboty plugin for say yes to everything.
151,1193,216votifier-rubyImplementation of the Votifier protocol in Ruby
151,1193,216QuarantineLiveStreamsScrapes upcoming events that are being live streamed and then returns the date time and...
151,1193,216tomun_test_gemA gem to for Week 6 homework
151,1193,216ShopInventoryI have this shop and I managing it.
151,1193,216pui-henrietta_pussycatReplaces words with 'meow' in strings in different ways
151,1193,216lita-trello-listsDisplay your Trello lists through Lita.
151,1193,216ucrdtwUCR DTW FFI wrapper
151,1193,216spatrik-gd2-ffigd2-ffi is ruby bindings for gd2, implemented with ffi
151,1193,216rollout_apiExpost Rollout features state for current session as Rails engine. So in browser apps l...
151,1193,216sass-a11yAccessibility helpers for Sass
151,1193,216spgSimple Password Generator