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Most downloads over all time
151161-151180 of all 180,709 gems.
151,1453,216spatrik-gd2-ffigd2-ffi is ruby bindings for gd2, implemented with ffi
151,1453,216hola_vjdavidA simple hello world gem
151,1453,216rollout_apiExpost Rollout features state for current session as Rails engine. So in browser apps l...
151,1453,216sass-a11yAccessibility helpers for Sass
151,1453,216spgSimple Password Generator
151,1453,216voteable_rkbGem for my Tealeaf Academy class. Gonna yank it when I'm done.
151,1673,215spine-restrictionsRestrictions registration for application context
151,1673,215mysshManage SSH Connections
151,1673,215voteable_gemThe best voting gem ever.
151,1673,215vote_initUse init instead of initialize
151,1673,215kwipperKwipper is the reference example app for the Kwipper Programming Challenge to build an ...
151,1673,215indieweb-post_types-identifier-scrobbleIndieWeb Scrobble Post Type Discovery for Microformats 2 JSON.
151,1673,215liveblog-plugin-spsA LiveBlog plugin to publish a SimplePubSub message whenever the LiveBlog is updated.
151,1673,215portion_controlA gem to allow a RESTful API to provide a given resource at various levels of completen...
151,1673,215lita-ovation\o\ Ovations everywhere /o/
151,1673,215recordsrecords - frozen / immutable structs with copy on updates
151,1673,215tangshiusing active_record as orm
151,1673,215huckleberrySimplified nutritional database generator for Rails.
151,1673,215aurisimo_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector.