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151141-151160 of all 180,702 gems.
151,1413,215euca-deploy-formatterFormatter used in Euca Deploy
151,1413,215pluginaweek-has_emailsDemonstrates a reference implementation for sending emails with logging and asynchronou...
151,1413,215faraday_middleware-encoding_converterFaraday middleware for converting encoding if it differs from utf-8
151,1413,215spine-restrictionsRestrictions registration for application context
151,1413,215idxprbIDXP's ruby helpers
151,1413,215rungService object/business operation/Railway DSL, inspired by Trailblazer Operation
151,1413,215memory-stats-js-railsminimal monitor for JS Heap Size via performance.memory
151,1413,215voteable_tomovoteable gem for Tealeaf assignment
151,1413,215contactforceContact creation using SOAP based on the attributes of a person from the RD platform.
151,1413,215mobrogVerify all the gems in a given dir and mve broken gems into .broken_gems/.
151,1413,215tangshiusing active_record as orm
151,1413,215warden_openid_bearerThis gem is like the `warden_openid_auth` gem, except that it only provides support for...
151,1413,215middleman-diffPreview what's changed in your Middleman build.
151,1413,215aurisimo_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector.
151,1413,215hola_vjdavidA simple hello world gem
151,1413,215voteable_rkbGem for my Tealeaf Academy class. Gonna yank it when I'm done.
151,1413,215selenium-reporterGenerate HTML test reports more easily.
151,1413,215rick-linodeThis is a wrapper around Linode's automation facilities.