Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
142241-142260 of all 180,385 gems.
141,5510containerciRakefile toolkit for creating automated builds for Docker containers.
141,5510active_record_uniqueness_via_dbExtend ActiveRecord uniqueness validations with via: :db option.
141,5510atlassian_plugin_installerInstalls JIRA plugin using UPM
141,5510any_goodIs that gem any good?
141,5510ddigDNS lookup utility for Ruby
141,5510danielharan-mongo_mapperAwesome gem for modeling your domain and storing it in mongo
141,5510simpleSimple lightweight web development framework for Ruby
141,5510cool_debugNicer debug in rails views
141,5510back_to_anchorAn alternative to link_to :back which also allows to go to previous page with anchor
141,5510elasticdotElasticDot Command Line Interface
141,5510dyn-ruby-launchctlManaging dyn daemon.
141,5510applocaleApplocale is a localization tool, It can convert file between string and xlsx ,csv, als...
141,5510deepl-srtdeepl_srt [api_key] [target_lang] [input_path] [result_path] [from_line]
141,5510edoc2-apiHelping rubyist integration with edoc2 API easier.
141,5510conjur-asset-deployment-apiConjur asset plugin for server deployments.
141,5510cached_uploadsCaches file uploads when validation fails.
141,5510ckeditor4rubyCKEditor-port for Ruby.
141,5510docxtorRuby docx generator, provides simple DSL for building word documents
141,5510aunderwo-rooroo can access the contents of OpenOffice-, Excel- or Google-Spreadsheets
141,5510api_key_makerUsing SHA1 encryption and the current time, this gem generates a random string that is ...