Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
142221-142240 of all 180,417 gems.
85,8630dry-openapi-cliGenerate dry-schema or/and dry-validation classes from OpenAPI 3 specification
85,8630ffakerTWFfakerTW 建立繁體中文假資料
85,8630notch8-aasmAASM is a continuation of the acts as state machine rails plugin, built for plain Ruby ...
85,8630rightscale_apiA Ruby Wrapper for the RightScale API
85,8630panmind-tarantulaA big hairy fuzzy spider that crawls your site, wreaking havoc
85,8630rubygems-bug-parentDemonstrates a rubygems bug that exists in 1.9 because of gem prelude but not 1.8
85,8630servantJenkins job management tool
85,8630kev_the_dev_mad_mimi_mailerUse Mad Mimi to send beautiful HTML emails using the ActionMailer API.
85,8630hola_mattheardA simple Hello World gem
85,8630fluentxpathWith the fluentxpath Ruby gem, you build your xpath query in a language that is nearly ...
85,8630rubychainA very simple ruby implementation of a blockchain, based on python version: https://dev...
85,8630fallenA simpler way to create Ruby fallen angels, better known as daemons
85,8630omniauth-twitchtvTwitch.TV strategy for OmniAuth.
85,8630repertoire-assetsRepertoire Assets javascript and css distribution framework
85,8630gsiener-analyticalGem for managing multiple analytics services in your rails app.
85,8630errapi-railsIntegrates the errapi gem into Ruby on Rails, including generators for configuration.
85,8630social_pilotA Ruby wrapper for the SocialPilot platform API
85,8630hola_danielm1202A simple hello world gem
85,8630lite-regulationsCollection of mixins to control the state of a database record
85,8630google-seller-ratingFetch Google Seller Rating