Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
142461-142480 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700t2dEasy test driven development for everyone
38,9700bldrProvides a simple and intuitive templating DSL for serializing objects to JSON.
38,9700adva-coreCore engine for adva-cms2.
38,9700acts_as_priceA specified database column acts as a price and creates on the fly methods like 'price'...
38,9700new_artrails_capistranoThis gem is a viable alternative to Git deployments on production machines. Commands ar...
38,9700omniauth-taobaoan omniauth strategy for taobao
38,9700sutch-anemoneAnemone web-spider framework (sutch's fork)
38,9700sysbuildBuild a Maven non-reactor system
38,9700search_selectorDropDown selector with search field.
38,9700ping_me_maybePing a Cronut server
38,9700overloaded_methodsSingle clause, branching method definitions are so 2007. Get with SRP and party! With o...
38,9700csv2avroConvert CSV files to Avro like a boss.
38,9700adhonoremA complete gamification gem designed for Ruby on Rails. AdHonorem assumes that you ...
38,9700leaflet_numbered_markers-railsAdd a number aside Leaflet marker based on https://gist.github.com/comp615/2288108
38,9700mfp_fundraising_programThis is the project developed following the Pragmatic Studio for Ruby and following the...
38,9700y_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
38,9700mongoid-collection-separatedMongoid models are saved in one collection by default. However, when collections after ...
38,9700wasmerWasmer is a Ruby extension to run WebAssembly binaries.
38,9700rtf-templaterEmbedded ruby for RTF documents. You provide .rtf template and data and rtf-templater g...
38,9700railsexThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.