Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
153341-153360 of all 180,529 gems.
102,5800senotrusov-gem-hereThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
102,5800snipcheatGenerate a cheatsheet HTML given a directory with Sublime Text snippets
102,5800rpeg-multimarkdownA Ruby extension to process MultiMarkdown-formatted text, using...
102,5800axe_loggerThe same logger, only with colored output and line numbers and functions
102,5800towelTowel collects test results as they run, reporting them to towel.dev for easier inspect...
102,5800prtgThis gem is a wrapper around the prtg http api.Prtg is an network monitoring solution w...
102,5800podtoolpod tools set
102,5800rewrittenRewritten is a lookup-based rewriting engine that rewrites requested URLs on the fl...
102,5800authtoolsThanks to authtools you can easy generate salted password hash, validate it or generate...
102,5800opal-pageOpal wrapper for Page.js
102,5800voteable_alanwellsA simple gem for adding upvotes and downvotes.
102,5800pdfjsPDFJS rails integration
102,5800sublime2yasSublimeTextSnippets to YaSnippet
102,5800presigned_upload"This gem provides an easy way to handle direct file uploads to cloud storage services ...
102,5800rounders-yamlStore Rounders temp data in YAML.
102,5800sinatra-authentication-nedluddSimple authentication plugin for sinatra.
102,5800yspellIt uses yandex speller api and supported languages ru, en and uk
102,5800terminal-profile-managerTry out new profiles, and setup your mac easier.
102,5800palindromespalindromes: diag tool