Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
154941-154960 of all 180,681 gems.
110,9731catchexThe notifier for Catchex
110,9731dotprettyA gem to parse and improve the output of the dotnet command
110,9731gem_chuoi_hotthu nghiem gem chuoi hot
110,9731github_snap_builderGithub app that builds and releases snaps for each pull request.
110,9731cassandra_recordA familiar interface to Cassandra-backed models
110,9731geisterMy first gem with bundler
110,9731mtgox-rubytrade bitcoins from ruby
110,9731konfiguracja-railsRails integration for Konfiguracja gem
110,9731mpo_toolsTools for working with MPO format stereoscopic 3D images
110,9731blackwinter-cmessAssist with handling messed up encodings (Currently includes the following tools: bconv...
110,9731passkeepstores and encrypts passwords locally, keeps password metadata for easy password retrieval
110,9731russia_todayHolidays according to official calendar.
110,9731gdaxFull featured Ruby client to GDAX Exchange API by Coinbase
110,9731blackwinter-pmsPoor Man's Search
110,9731antennaA lightweight and easy-to-use async pub/sub framework backed by ActiveJob
110,9731sktestgemSimple gem just to test out the process
110,9731activerecord-explainerThis gem automatically logs SQL EXPLAIN of every queries. You can check naturally every...
110,9731bolseragency-ecircleRuby library to interfac with Ecircle API