Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
154961-154980 of all 180,671 gems.
68,6250product_metadata_tasksA library of rake tasks for repetitive updates to product metadata.
68,6250neo4j_spatialA simple wrapper for the neo4j-spatial plugin REST API
68,6250ztm_warszawaUse this gem to access the api.um.warszawa.pl public data. Only the API key is required.
68,6250mintchipRuby API wrappers for MintChip
68,6250matricesPermite representar y realizar operaciones con matrices densas y dispersas
68,6250fuzzy_tyrionThis is a demo for the osom guys here.
68,6250matrizdispersascpEsqueleto de una gema
68,6250music_meta_fixerSomewhat automated iTunes meta data fixer. Built on Ruby 2.0
68,6250vcloud-disk_launcherTool to launch and configure vCloud Independent Disks. Uses vcloud-core.
68,6250logstash-filter-unitsThe units filter is used for converting specified fields from one unit of measure to an...
68,6250rundockSimple and extensible server orchestration framework
68,6250opsworks_interactorA ruby class that allows concurrent-safe, synchronized, zero-downtime rolling deploys t...
68,6250red-arrow-activerecordA library that provides conversion method between Apache Arrow and ActiveRecord
68,6250tangleTangle implements graphs of things
68,6250cstimer_analyser_cliGain insights into how you have improved over time. Has graphs, histograms, and other f...
68,6250scccpautomatically scp files in a specified folder
68,6250gemsiA command-line tool that shows in a convenient way the descriptions of every gem from t...
68,6250veracode_api_signingVeracode hmac signing library used with Veracode API
68,6250standard-procedure-anvilTools for managing servers and apps built using dokku