Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
155541-155560 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051csm-resource-generatorResource Generator for Cloud Services Managements. http://jp.fujitsu.com/solutions/clou...
103,2051pebble_commanderExecute arbritary commands with the Pebble Watch
103,2051ppe-postgis-adapterExecute PostGIS functions on Active Record
103,2051loggrAdapters for different ruby logging backends. Create loggers using different adapters, ...
103,2051muffinsAn Object to XML/HTML mapping library using Virtus and Nokogiri
103,2051crymlA DRYML inspired markup language written in C for Ruby
103,2051print_rThis is a print_r() implementation.
103,2051shiftShift is a generic interface to different compilers, compressors, and so on. You can us...
103,2051jtrupiano-story-helperA set of helpers/features to aid in implementing the StoryHelper concept in rails apps
103,2051medularis-daemons_commonLibrary contaning common features shared by the Medularis Click-To-Call Daemons, suppor...
103,2051meltwater-capistrano-strategiesCapistrano plugin with additional deploy strategies.
103,2051viewpoint_reloadedA Ruby client access library for Microsoft Exchange Web Services (EWS). Examples can b...
103,2051hola_dogaA simple hello world gem
103,2051hasHas packages up common association patterns in Rails.
103,2051servelServes files and directories over HTTP.
103,2051sensu-plugins-perconaSensu percona plugins
103,2051ruby_instagramRuby wrapper for the Instagram API
103,2051smscentralREST client for smscentral.com.au API v3.2
103,2051senecAccess your local SENEC Solar Battery Storage System
103,2051klayLibrary to handle Klaytn accounts, messages, and transactions.