Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
155601-155620 of all 180,517 gems.
95,5920rhaproxyA gem providing a ruby interface to HAproxy TCP/HTTP Load Balancer
95,5920duinoArduino Prototyping API for Ruby
95,5920domain-probeA simple library to probe the dns records under specific domain, as many as possilbe
95,5920cdnioCDN.io is there to always give you get the latest version of hosted JavaScript librarie...
95,5920deepbeigeAn AI learning program that plays noughts and crosses
95,5920classproxyA generic (yet ActiveRecord compliant) class proxy to setup proxy methods for your classes
95,5920sleeping_king_studios-extA collection of extensions to core classes, gemified to prevent a maintenance night...
95,5920recap-consoleOpen a rails console with capistrano
95,5920knucklerA game for knuckleheads
95,5920divygridA Coordinate-style grid layout for images and other html content
95,5920roda-contribSmall collection of my personal plugins for Roda
95,5920Squirreler%q{Prints an ASCII Squirrel to the Console}
95,5920ruby-googlechartruby-googlechart is yet another wrapper around the Google Charts API
95,5920k_builder-watchK-Builder-Watch will watch k_builder files and when they change, execute them
95,5920hassle3Makes SASS less of a hassle on read-only filesystems by compiling and serving it up for...
95,5920ruby-s3cmd-anfleeneA gem providing a ruby interface to s3cmd Amazon S3 client.
95,5920rundock-plugin-hook-slackrundock plugin for slack API hook
95,5920sidekiq-toolswiss-army knife for tinkering with sidekiq guts
95,5920ghoulGhoul is a simple yet good looking interface for your git repositories written in sinat...