Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
155621-155640 of all 180,517 gems.
95,5920formtastic_datepicker_inputsUse jQuery UI's date picker with formtastic easily
95,5920jike_captchaCaptcha form Jike API
95,5920scoped-searchEasily implement search forms and column ordering based on your models scopes. For Rail...
95,5920tech-angels-typhoeusLike a modern code version of the mythical beast with 100 serpent heads, Typhoeus runs ...
95,5920draiodoirDraíodóir lets you take a regular HTML5 page, and turn it into a multi-step wizard.
95,5920environment_flagAlways know what environment you are looking at in the browser. This places a colored-c...
95,5920check_and_notifyCalls a callback regularly and notifies when it returns true
95,5920rounderRounds any numeric value to any nearest multiple of the chosen step.
95,5920solidus_simple_dashOverview dashboard for use with Solidus.
95,5920eos_iconsThis gem allows for easy inclusion of the EOS iconic font into the Rails asset pipeline.
95,5920ducklinkDecorates URLs according to a format specification
95,5920kbaum-resque-retryresque-retry provides retry, delay and exponential backoff support for resque jobs. ...
95,5920roflbaltASCII side-scrolling game, with ANSI color!
95,5920restful_api_authenticationA gem which implements a standard api_key / secret authentication system for your Ruby ...
95,5920sga_fields_synchronizerA synchronizer for most frequently edited columns based on yml file
95,5920crispa tiny lisp-like language written in ruby using treetop.
95,5920br_waveformGenerate PNG waveform from audio files, not requiring libsndfiles, could perfect on her...
95,5920dryer-configOutsource several config files to a gem.
95,5920simmerProvides a harness for testing Pentaho Data Integration jobs and transformations.
95,5920renseiUnparse from `RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree::Node` to Ruby code.