Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
155561-155580 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051funit-12FUnit is a unit testing framework for Fortran. Unit tests are written as Fortran fragm...
103,2051darmani_game19A Darmani game
103,2051rrrspec-cucumber2This gem adds cucumber 2 support to rrrspec
103,2051jenkins-peaceDownload and install a specific version of the Jenkins war file which can be used for e...
103,2051wunderlist-cliA Wunderlist command-line interface
103,2051dynamic-body-class-and-idThe gem adds body_class and body_id helpers to your Rails app. The ID is based on the n...
103,2051geekWrite a description
103,2051permission_managementInspired by Rackspace permission management system.
103,2051safe_pretty_jsonThis gem provide direct pretty json conversion from string to string.
103,2051mindbody-api-v6No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/sw...
103,2051yakinikuShows yakiniku
103,2051gitquickbooksBill Away to the clients
103,2051open_jp_geocoderanswer the latitude and longitude from address.
103,2051oddb2tdat* oddb2tdat converts oddb.csv to oddb.dat * http://dev.ywesee.com/wiki.php/ODDB/Oddb2tdat
103,2051inflectIntegrate service API's by following a simple and modular interface.
103,2051oroA flexible, command-line utility which generates memorable passwords. The enemy knows t...
103,2051puppet-module-win-default-r2.7A set of gems declaring Puppet module dependencies.
103,2051migrextManage migrations from external sources
103,2051lazy-jsonLazy JSON skimmer-parser
103,2051darmani_game24A Darmani game