Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
155581-155600 of all 180,681 gems.
110,9731pietimer-cispietimer-cis will provide you a counter as a pie
110,9731chatscriptsimple ChatScript (https://github.com/bwilcox-1234/ChatScript) client, as Ruby gem, wit...
110,9731radbradb provides some commands that helps non-geeks take advantage on android devices
110,9731notifThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
110,9731scottmotte-dm-validationsDataMapper plugin for performing validations on data models
110,9731rocampo3-rubycalcAn calculator of a basic calculator on ruby
110,9731lotusThis gem allows easier implementation and utilization of distributed, federated social ...
110,9731dynamic_footerThis lightweight gem allows you to effortlessly add the current year to your footer. Th...
110,9731paulnicholson-acrylicA set of image manipulation tools built on top of Cairo
110,9731random-railsThe easiest way to get random records from database with best performance that you ever...
110,9731d-streamD★Stream is a set of utilities for dealing with lazy streams.
110,9731panops-ui-cliThis gem contains components related to the PanOps Command Line Interface UI. For examp...
110,9731ramontayag-bitcoin-clientProvides a Ruby library to the complete Bitcoin JSON-RPC API. Implements all methods li...
110,9731allagesA rails gem to help with keeping a changelog for teams while minimizing git conflict is...
110,9731bgem-newA CLI to generate new Bgem projects.
110,9731ar-postgisThis is an ActiveRecord connection adapter for PostGIS. It is based on the stock Postgr...
110,9731food2forkA Ruby gem for accessing the Food2Fork api
110,9731flicketCommand line tool to create collages of flickr images